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Pots descarregar-te-la fent un click a sobre de la imatge

You can also invent a craft. 

7 verb to be craft.jpg
7b verb craft.jpg

ACTIVITY 1 - Jack and the Beanstalk

First of all, you will watch a video.

After watching the video, you can do these activities about Jack and the Beanstalk.


Pots descarregar-te-la fent un click a sobre de la imatge


ACTIVITY 2 - Worksheets

Now, you can do these activities about verbs.

1 grammar-games-present-simple-verb-to-b
4 crossword verbs_001.jpg
2 grammar-games-have-got-worksheet.jpg
5 wordsearchverbs_001.jpg
3 grammar_practice_have_got_001.jpg
6 matchverbs_001.jpg

Pots descarregar-te-la fent un click a sobre de la imatge


ACTIVITY 3 - Crafts

To finish, you can make a domino or a cube and play with it. You can colour it, too.

7 domino verbs_001.jpg
7 cubo craft.jpg
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