ACTIVITY 1 - Summer time
It is time to sing:
ACTIVITY 2 - Crab Craft
Now we can do this craft:
Clicka a sobre la imatge
Here you can review the vocabulary with a game.
Let's do some interactive videos and watch the story :
Benvolguts alumnes i pares,
Hem arribat al final d’un nou i estrany curs escolar , que ha estat molt especial i diferent. Des del Departament d’Anglès volíem aprofitar l’ocasió per agrair-vos la vostra dedicació i participació. Demostrant-nos una gran confiança al comprendre la dificultat de la nostra tasca davant de fets tan difícils que ens ha tocat viure.
Moltíssimes gràcies pel vostre esforç, ajuda i participació. Ens alegra molt contar amb vosaltres com a col·laboradors en aquesta difícil però a la vegada preciosa feina d’educar. També agrair-vos a vosaltres, els nostres alumnes la vostra paciència i la vostra col·laboració. Heu estat genials.

Dear students and families,
We have come to the end of a new school year, that year has been very unique and quite different. We from the English department would like to thank you for your dedications and participation. Moreover, we are grateful for all your understanding, effort, support and help during this unusual situation, and for adapting to a new way to learn.
We are happy to be able to count on you all as collaborators throughout this difficult yet precious labor that is education our children. Also thank you our students for your patience and collaboration. You have been great!!!